Work Trajectories of Female and Male Immigrants in Spain

Last Updated: noviembre 14, 2020By

Carrasco Carpio, C., García‐Serrano, C., & Hernanz, V. (2020). Work Trajectories of Female and Male Immigrants in Spain. International Migration, 58(3), 235-257


This article aims to examine in depth the work trajectories of individuals over time, in order to provide a wider perspective of the employment history of immigrants compared to native people, by gender and for more than one decade (2005–2017) in Spain. We use microdata (cohort and multivariate analysis) from the Labour Force Survey and carry out a comparison for three groups: the Spanish born in Spain, the Spanish born abroad, and the non‐Spanish born abroad. The results confirm that the non‐Spanish born‐abroad group is characterized by the existence of segmented assimilation. All foreigners suffered a loss in their work trajectories, since their employment rate in 2017 has as yet neither reached the level of the last years of the previous economic expansion nor the level of the previous cohorts at the same age.

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