XI JEL y New Series in REL

Last Updated: noviembre 7, 2014By


The Asociación Española de Economía del Trabajo (AEET) celebrates the XI Jornadas de Economía Laboral in Bellaterra, in July 01-03 2015, organized by the Departament d’Economia Aplicada at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The conference is intended to be a discussion forum on key labor market issues, both related to its operation and performance, and the associated labor market policies. The call for papers has already been launched. Deadline for submission of completed papers or long abstracts: 29th of March 2015. More information, here.

portada XI JEL

As usual, the XI JEL are accompanied by the launching of the Lluís Fina Prizefor articles published in Labour Economics and the Luis Toharia Grants for young researchers participating in the XI JEL.

AEET andtheItalian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL) initiated collaboration in 2014 through a joint session in the XXIX AIEL Annual Conference in Pisa. We will have a similar initiative in the XI Jornadas de Economía Laboral. The call for proposals will be launched and further information will be provided both in this web-site and the XI JEL web-site.



ico-rel rev3 Revista de Economía Laboral (REL) starts a new period in connection with the Asociación Española de Economía del Trabajo (AEET). In this new stage, REL invites contributions to a special issue whose content, chosen by the Chair of Directors of the AEET and the Editorial Board of REL, focuses on the economic analysis of labour market reforms passed during the financial crisis, in particular the one approved in Spain in 2012. The call for papers of the 2015 REL Special Issue allows proposals of analytic articles, short notes and reviews on recent published books in relation to the labour reforms passed during the financial crisis.

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