
Last Updated: enero 28, 2021By

The XVI Labour Economics Meeting (2024) will be held in Barcelona

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XV Labour Economics Meeting (2022)


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Conference website                                  Multimedia gallery

The XV JEL was held at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Albacete campus) between 29 June and 1 July with 86 participants representing 30 national and 16 international institutions. A total of 73 papers were presented in 21 sessions, of which 13 were in English and 8 in Spanish.

On 29 June, the econometrics course entitled «Introduction to the Synthetic Control Method» was given by professors Antonio di Paolo and Raul Ramos of the University of Barcelona.

On 30 June, the conference entitled: «Minimum wage employment in Europe – lessons for Spain» was given by Professor Seamus McGuinness (Economic and Social Research Institute). On the same day, after lunch, a round table moderated by Professor Begoña Cueto (University of Oviedo) was held on the subject of the Labour Reform of 2022. Participants were Emma Rodríguez Rodríguez (Advisor to the Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy), Alberto del Pozo Sen (UGT Confederal Studies Service, Coordinator of the Economics department), and Juan Ramón García López (Chief Economist in the Spain and Portugal unit of BBVA Research). This activity was conducted in Spanish.

On 1 July, Professor Brendan Burchell (Cambridge University) gave a lecture entitled: «Working conditions, well-being and mental health – lessons from the pandemic». This lecture and that of Professor McGuinness were delivered entirely in English and can be viewed at the following links:

– Conference Hall of 30th June: Minimum wage employment in Europe: Lessons for Spain. youtube 

– Conference Hall of 1st July: Working conditions, wellbeing and mental health: lessons from the pandemic. youtube


Finally, the Board of Directors was renewed. The new composition of the AEET management team is as follows:

President: Ángel L. Martín Román (Universidad de Valladolid).

Vice-president: Emilio Congregado Ramírez de Aguilera (Universidad de Huelva)

Secretary: Sara Pinillos Franco (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Treasurer: Nuria Legazpe Moraleja (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

Member: María Ángeles Davia Rodríguez (Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha)

Member: Antonio di Paolo (Universitat de Barcelona)

Member: Marta González Escalonilla (Universidad de Oviedo)

Member: Pedro Trivín García (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

Member: Jorge Velilla Gambó (Universidad de Zaragoza)

It was also unanimously decided by the assembly that Rosa Santero Sánchez (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) would participate in the board as a member, with voice but without vote.

The next JEL will be held in Barcelona, at the University of Barcelona, where our colleague Antonio di Paolo will be the coordinator of the local committee.

During the gala dinner, the XI Lluís Fina Prize was awarded, which on this occasion went to the work:

Nocito, S. (2021). The effect of a university degree in English on international labor mobility. Labour Economics68, 101943.

The following participants were also awarded the Luis Toharia Scholarships:

Kentaro Asai (Paris School of Economics)

Ignacio Belloc Postigo (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Juan David Duran Vanegas (Trinity College Dublin)

Javier García Clemente (Universidad de Huelva)

Cisse Ababacar Sadikh (Université Grenoble Alpes)

Álvaro Fernández Junquera (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)

The first four grants were funded thanks to the Department of Economics of the University of Alcalá. The last two grants were made possible thanks to Almudena Sevilla, who decided to use the money from her intervention in the last XIV JEL for this purpose.




The XIII JELs were held online at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) from June 30 to 2 July, with more than 100 registrants from more than 25 international institutions and more than 40 national institutions. 84 communications were presented, in which an increasing international contribution could be appreciated: of the 24 sessions, only 4 were entirely in Spanish. Additionally, both the Econometrics course on “Experimental Approach in Labor and Development Economics”, taught Mónica Martínez Bravo (CEMFI)- and the two plenary conferences – by Almudena Sevilla (University College London), and a double by Lídia Farré (Universidad de Barcelona) and Sonia Oreffice (University of Exeter)- were also in English. Only the roundtable on Policy measures against COVID-19 was held in Spanish, with the participation of Olga Cantó (UAH), Daniel Pérez del Prado (UC3M), Israel Arroyo (State Secretary of Social Security and Pensions) and Joaquín Pérez (State Secretary of Employment). These sessions can be watched at:

Almudena Sevilla youtube 

Lidia Farré & Sonia Oreffice youtube 

Mesa Redonda youtube 


After the AEET Assembly, the prizes of the 10th Lluís Fina Prize were awarded to

ACCÉSIT: «The impact of health on wages: Evidence from Europe before and during the Great Recession». Oxford Economic Papers, 2020, 72(2), 319-346. Elaborado por: Manuel Flores, Melchor Fernández y Yolanda Pena-Boquete

PREMIO: «Does subsidized part-time employment help unemployed workers to find full-time employment?» Labour Economics, 2019, 56, 68-83. Elaborado por: Tomi Kyyrä, José M. Arranz y Carlos García-Serrano


The current Board of the AEET keeps on for one more year. The next JEL will be held in Albacete, on the premises of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, where our colleague María Ángeles Davia will be the coordinator of the local committee.


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Monográfico 2020 – «Rethinking Cross-Border Entrepreneurship»

In the new stage of Revista de Economía Laboral (REL), the journal devotes a volume annually to a special issue. The topic chosen by the Chair of Directors of the AEET and the Editorial Board of REL for the 2020 Special Issue has been «Cross-Border and Regional Entrepreneurship».

On December 16th 2020 the University of Huelva organised the International Workshop “Rethinking Cross-Border Entrepreneurship” gathering together researchers and practitioners with different academic and policy backgrounds. Papers presented in the workshop will be considered for potential publication in the journal, but REL also invites additional contributions to this special issue from other national and international experts working on this topic from an economic perspective.

Dr. Monica Carmona (University of Huelva) and Dr. Concepción Román (University of Huelva) will coordinate the special issue. Full-text proposals (no longer than 12000 words) can be submitted by email to before February 15th 2021. Guest editors of the special issue will only select high-quality original contributions that will be subjected to peer-review evaluation following the journal’s standard practices. The special issue will be published during Spring 2021.

Interested contributors can also contact the editors or the guest editors by e-mail for additional information regarding the special issue.

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