Last Updated: septiembre 17, 2014By

The Spanish Labour Market Association (AEET) holds Labour Market Conferences every two years.


The conferences strive to be a forum for debate about key issues related to the functioning and results of the labour market and economic policies designed for it. Since they were first held in 1995, the Labour Economics Conferences have become the most important gathering for economists who, working at different universities and research centres in Spain, specialise in the study of the labour market. The goal of the conferences is, first of all, to promote and disseminate studies about the labour market, but also to train and perfect experts in this subject, as well as to promote professional contacts and exchanges, comparing papers and research about the subject among different persons and institutions, national and international, interested in the same.


The XI AEET Conference AEET Conference (JEL) will be held in Barcelona (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July 2015.

The last conferences were held in Madrid:


Tenth Edition of the Labour Economics Conferences (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2013)

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