Labour Economics Letters (formerly published as Revista de Economía Laboral), is the scientific journal of the Spanish Association of Labour Economics (Asociación Española de Economía del Trabajo, AEET). Founded  by the initiative of a group of scholars –Luis Toharia, Joaquín Lorences, Carlos Peraita and Miguel Ángel Malo–, the journal specializes in the field of Labour Economics and has been published continuously since 2004.  

The evaluation criteria of the journal will be double-blind evaluation. Peer review process will be governed by three principles: the reviewer should have no prior knowledge of the submission; the reviewer should not have recently collaborated with any of the authors; the reviewer belonging to the same institution as any of the authors are not permitted. Contents are in accordance with the publication standards established in the APA (American Psychological Association) manual.

Frequency: open volume 1 per year | New ISSN:           Old ISSN:1698-451X  Revista de Economía Laboral

Open access: This journal provides open and free access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps to a greater global exchange of knowledge. Authors do not have to pay any Article Processing Charge or Open Access Publication Fee

Indexed:  Dialnet, Latindex , EBSCO, and RePEc.

Full papers are typically no less than 2,000 to 4,000 words. It is possible to publish appendices separately as supplemental materials. When submitting, editors strongly recommend the publication of data and programs that facilitate the replicability of the results.

Description of the review process: A complete review process will take place within 5 weeks. If the editor decides to send the paper to reviewers, they will be required to submit a report within two weeks with one of three possible outcomes: acceptance, minor revision, or rejection. In the case of a minor revision, authors will be given two weeks to make the necessary changes, after which the associate editors will determine if the paper is suitable for publication.

Language: English

Editorial Board

The editorial board is based on a select group of reputed scholars in this field, assessing both a gender and international balance among editorial board members covering all the JEL classification codes related to labour economics.


Emilio Congregado, University of Huelva
Raúl Ramos, Universitat de Barcelona

Editorial Board

Associate Editors

José María Arranz, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain

María Begoña Cueto, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain

Concepción Román Díaz, Universidad de Huelva, Spain

Internacional advisory editorial board

Coming soon

Labour Economics Letters es la nueva revista de la Asociación Española de Economía del Trabajo. En formato open access y con una limitación de 3000 palabras, esta revista trata de cubrir un nicho que permita la difusión rápida de resultados de trabajos de Economía laboral, gracias a un proceso de difusión riguroso pero rápido. Interesada tanto en trabajos de tipo teórico como empíricos, la revista está publicada por la editorial Sciendo y cuenta con un reconocido editorial board internacional que avala la calidad de la revista.