Tackling the jobs crisis in Portugal

Last Updated: diciembre 4, 2013By

Tackling the jobs crisis in Portugal

Report prepared by the ILO Inter-Departmental Task Force on European Crisis Countries for the High-level Conference on “Tackling the Jobs Crisis in Portugal” (Lisbon, Portugal, 4 November 2013)

This report has been prepared by the ILO Inter-Departmental Task Force on European Crisis Countries, launched by the Director – General in 2013. The purpose of the Task Force is to analyse the situation of European countries which have been worst hit by the global financial, economic, social and jobs crises, and to assess policy options for a job-rich and sustainable recovery.

The report looks at the socio-economic situation in the country and its impact on the labour market. It also presents a series of policy recommendations to move towards a more job-centred approach.





Overview of key economic and social challenges

Labour market and social situation

Labour market developments and migration

Earnings, unit labour costs and minimum wages

Social protection and income distribution

Economic performance and demand patterns


Tackling the labour market imbalances and social gaps

Boosting job creation and supporting productive investment

Maintaining viable jobs and helping jobseekers and vulnerable groups

Boosting job quality

Social protection

Collective bargaining and social dialogue

Policy scenarios and role of ILO


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