Gender differences in the hospitality industry: A job quality index

Last Updated: febrero 1, 2016By

Santero, R., Segovia, M., Castro, B., Figueroa, C. y Talón, P. (2015): Gender differences in the hospitality industry: A Job quality index, Tourism Management, Vol. 51, pp. 234–246


Employment in the hospitality industry is generally associated with lower quality of employment opportunities than other industries. While women’s participation has improved both quantitatively and qualitatively, they continue to encounter a host of barriers attributable to labour market discrimination. A gender-oriented study of job quality is consequently in order.

The present paper aims to define and construct a composite index of job quality, compiling objective job security conditions in a single variable that allows the detection of possible gender differences in job quality. Unlike other comparisons of job quality that focus primarily on salary, the composite indicator developed stresses work week duration in an industry in which part-timing impacts women particularly heavily. Findings reveal that women hold lower quality jobs than men and that the gender gap widens with age. Results also show a double adversity for women: a lower job quality in management positions they have not traditionally held, and a wider quality gap in clearly feminized, lower skilled positions.

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