

This section aims to disseminate papers, reports, and other research works recently published in the labour economics field by our members. To participate with your contributions, just send an email to with the complete reference and the abstract of your work, indicating in the subject “Publications”. The full reference of your contributions is necessary so that any interested member can easily find them.

Okun’s Law: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the temporary layoffs procedures (ERTE) on Spanish regions

Porras-Arena, M. S., Martín-Román, Á. L., Dueñas Fernández, D., & Llorente Heras, R. (2024). Okun's Law: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the temporary layoffs procedures (ERTE) on Spanish regions. Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research, 59, 2024/2   Resumen: Las estadísticas [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Artículos, Publicaciones|0 Comments

Mujeres y techo de cristal: diferencias regionales en España a través de un indicador sintético

de Castro Romero, L.; Martín Barroso, V. ; Santero Sánchez, R. (2024). Mujeres y techo de cristal: diferencias regionales en España a través de un indicador sintético. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 2024/2(59), 55-80.   Resumen: El objetivo del presente artículo es [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Artículos, Publicaciones|0 Comments

Failed Projects Applied by Firms Under the LEADER Programme. An Analysis for Andalusia

Camacho, J. A., Molina, J., Rodríguez, M., & Sánchez-Escolano, L. M. (2024). Failed Projects Applied by Firms Under the LEADER Programme. An Analysis for Andalusia. In Win or Lose in Rural Development: Case Studies from Europe (pp. 349-363). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.   Resumen: [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Artículos, Publicaciones|0 Comments

Circular economy and entrepreneurship in Europe: An analysis of the impact of cultural factors, regulatory framework and rate of entrepreneurship

González-Moreno, Á., Triguero, Á., Díaz-García, C., & Sáez-Martínez, F. J. (2024). Circular economy and entrepreneurship in Europe: An analysis of the impact of cultural factors, regulatory framework and rate of entrepreneurship. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 35, 103656.   Resumen: The aim of this work [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Artículos, Publicaciones|0 Comments

Regional intergenerational mobility in Ecuador: many lands in one country

Segovia, J., & Ramos, R. (2024). Regional intergenerational mobility in Ecuador: many lands in one country. Regional Studies, 1-13.   Resumen: We analyse the regional differences in eight measures of intergenerational mobility across cantons in Ecuador. Within-country estimates show heterogeneity with lands of opportunity, [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Artículos, Publicaciones|0 Comments

Labour market segmentation and the gender wage gap in Spain

Núñez Hernández, F., Usabiaga, C., & Álvarez de Toledo, P. (2024). Labour market segmentation and the gender wage gap in Spain. International Journal of Manpower.   Resumen: PurposeThe purpose of this study is to analyse the gender wage gap (GWG) in Spain adopting a [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Artículos, Publicaciones|0 Comments

The impact of artificial intelligence in the early retirement decision

Casas, P., & Román, C. (2024). The impact of artificial intelligence in the early retirement decision. Empirica, 1-36.   Resumen: This paper examines the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on early retirement (ER) decisions in Europe. For the analysis, we utilize microdata from the [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Artículos, Publicaciones|0 Comments

Measuring local employment multipliers and informal employment: a stochastic frontier approach

Bashford-Fernández, J. M., & Rodríguez-Álvarez, A. (2024). Measuring local employment multipliers and informal employment: a stochastic frontier approach. Regional Studies, 58(1), 78–90.   Resumen: This paper offers policymakers a novel tool for calculating employment multipliers. A theoretical model incorporating a non-tradeable employment function is [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Artículos, Publicaciones|0 Comments

Education, educational mismatch and occupational status: an analysis using PIAAC data

Murillo Huertas, I. P., & Raymond, J. L. (2024). Education, educational mismatch and occupational status: an analysis using PIAAC data. Economia Politica, 1-22.   Resumen: The aim of this paper is to estimate the effect of longer schooling on the probability of entering a [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Artículos, Publicaciones|0 Comments

Labour supply responses to a negative income tax in Spain

Fuenmayor, A., Granell, R., & Savall, T. (2024). Labour supply responses to a negative income tax in Spain. Journal of Policy Modeling.   Resumen:  One of the major drawbacks of a Basic Income proposal is that it could induce people to reduce their labour [...]

By |June 15, 2024|Categories: Publicaciones, Artículos|0 Comments

Testing hysteresis for the US and UK involuntary part-time employment

Congregado, E., Garcia-Clemente, J., Rubino, N., & Vilchez, I. (2024). Testing hysteresis for the US and UK involuntary part-time employment. Applied Economics, 1-21. Resumen: In this paper, we test the persistence of involuntary part-time employment, making use of large historical series for the US [...]

By |April 8, 2024|Categories: Publicaciones|0 Comments

The effects of product and process innovation on employment: a meta-regression analysis

Arenas Díaz, G., Guerrero, A. J., & Heijs, J. (2024). The effects of product and process innovation on employment: a meta-regression analysis. Eurasian Business Review, 1-34. Resumen: The fast emergence of intensive robotization in combination with artificial intelligence implies a reappearance of the debate [...]

By |April 8, 2024|Categories: Publicaciones|0 Comments
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