Article 1. The Spanish Association of Labour Economics (A.E.E.T. in Spanish) is a non-profit association under Organic Law 1/2002 of 22 March and supplementary rules, with legal standing and full capacity to act.
Article 2. This association is established for an indefinite period, with 31 May the closing date of each financial year.
Article 3. The purposes of the Association are: a) to promote and disseminate the study of labour economics, that is, the economic analysis of labour markets and employment policies in general, and, where applicable, to train and contribute to the scientific excellence of experts in this field; and (b) to promote professional contacts and exchanges and the pooling of work and research on labour economics among researchers and institutions from Spain and other countries.
Article 4. To achieve these purposes, the Association will undertake the following activities: (a) organising, in collaboration with other organisations or entitieswhere appropriate, conferences or meetings and other scientific activities which relate to labour economics; b) editing publications related to labour economics, maintaining or promoting the creation of specialised libraries on the topic; c) granting awards and prizes, always within the context of labour economics; and (d) any other activity related to the specific field of labour economics.
Article 5. The head office of the Association is located at the Department of Economics, Universidad deAlcalá, Plaza de la Victoria 2, postcode 28802, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), and the territorial scope of its activities is Spain. The general assembly, in accordance with the current legislation, may approve the change of its legal address in a meeting that will be convened specifically for this purpose.
Article 7. The members of the Association will elect the vicepresident, the members of the executive committee and the treasurer during the Association’s annual general meeting. Only members of the Association can elect their representatives. Candidates must have been members of the Association for at least one year. Nominations may be made by addressing the president of the Association during the thirty days prior to the general assembly meeting (and nominations can be presented until the end of the general assembly meeting). The election shall be held by secret ballot. Only members present at the general assembly meeting will be allowed to vote. If there are not enough candidates or if none of the candidates is selected, a new election will be held at the following general assembly meeting. Meanwhile, all the members of the executive committee will remain in office.
Article 8. The executive committee shall hold as many meetings as the president calls for on his/her own initiative, at the request of the vicepresident or at the request of two of the board members. Executive committee meetings will be chaired by the president. The secretary shall attend the meetings of the board to act as a notary and will not have the right to vote. He/she will take minutes. If the secretary is absent, the vicepresident shall assume his/her functions. Should there be any difficulty in holding on-site meetings, the executive committee may make decisions by e-mail upon unanimous approval of the procedure. The agreements adopted in this way shall be ratified at the subsequent meeting of the executive committee. The secretary shall attach the transcript of the e-mails as an annex to the minutes.
Article 9. Tasks/Duties of the Executive Committee. The executive committee shall be responsible for all the acts related to the purposes of the Association provided they do not require the express authorisation of the general assembly. The executive committee will: (a) lead the activities and carry out the administrative and financial management of the Association; (b) execute the resolutions of the general assembly; c) formulate and submit the balance sheets and the annual accounts for approval by the general assembly; d) decide on the admission of new members; e) appoint delegates for any particular activity of the Association; and f)carry out any other tasks/duties that do not correspond exclusively to the general assembly.
Article 10. The president shall have the following powers: represent the Association before any kind of public or private body; convene, chair and conclude the meetings of the general assembly and the executive committee and lead the deliberations held in each of them; order and authorise payments and communications with his/her signature; take any urgent action necessary for the good functioning of the Association as long as he/she subsequently informs the executive committee about it.
Article 11. The vicepresident shall replace the president in his/her absence due to illness or any other cause and shall have the same powers as he/she. If, at the corresponding meeting of the general assembly, the vicepresident does not assume the responsibility of the president at the end of his/her mandate, members of the association present at the general assembly meeting will be invited to submit their candidacies, and an election will be held based on those nominations. If there are no candidates for the role of vicepresident among the members present at the general assembly meeting, another attempt to elect a president will be made at the following meeting. Meanwhile, all the members of the executive board will remain in office.
Article 12. The secretary shall be responsible for the purely administrative work of the Association. He/she shall issue certificates and keep the books of the Association and the register of members. He/she will file / maintain the documentation of Association and communicate the designation of executive committees and other social agreements to the corresponding registries. He/she will comply with documentary obligations.
Article 13. The treasurer shall collect and maintain the Association’s funds and shall comply with the payment orders issued by the president.
Article 14. The duties of the members shall be those that correspond to their adscription to the executive board and those that the executive board may entrust to them.
Article 15. Vacancies on the executive committee will be covered according to the following considerations: (a) If the presidency becomes vacant, the vicepresident will fill the vacancy; (b) If the vacancy affects the vicepresidency, a new vicepresident will be elected following the procedure described in the previous articles; and (c) If the secretariat becomes vacant, the president will fill it by appointing another secretary.
Article 16. The general assembly is the supreme governing body of the Association and shall be composed of all its members.
Article 17. General assembly meetings may be either ordinary or extraordinary. Ordinary meetings will be held once a year within four months after the closing of the financial year. Extraordinary meetings will take place upon request of the president, agreement of the executive committee or proposal by at least one third of the members.
Article 18. General assembly meetings shall be convened in writing, which will stipulate the date, time and place of the meeting along with the agenda, with a precise explanation of the issues to be discussed. The call will be issued at least 15 days before the date of the meeting. It may state, where appropriate, the date and time for a second call. At least half an hour will elapse between the first and the second call.
Article 19. The general meetings, whether ordinary or extraordinary, shall be validly constituted in the first call if at least one third of the members with the right to vote are present, and in the second call whatever the number of voting-eligible members who attend. The agreements shall be adopted by a simple majority or when the votes in favour outnumber the votes against the proposal. Null votes, blank votes and abstentions will not be considered to compute the proportion of votes in favour or against in a deliberation. A qualified majority (at least half of the votes in favour) of those present or represented will be needed to approve: (a) the dissolution of the entity; (b) the amendment of statutes, including the change of the Association’s legal address and c) the disposition or transfer of fixed assets that belong to the entity.
Article 20. The general assembly will: (a) approve the management of the executive committee; (b) examine and approve the annual accounts; c) elect the members of the executive committee; d) determine ordinary and extraordinary fees; e) dissolve the association; f) modify the bylaws of the Association, including the change of its address; g) dispose or sell the property; and h) assume any other competence not attributed to another governing body.
Article 21. Both the amendment of the statutes and the dissolution of the Association will require approval at the extraordinary general meeting convened specifically for that purpose.
Article 23. Any person who intends to become a member of the Association shall address the president in writing to request membership. The president shall notify the executive committee, which shall decide on his/her admission, conditioned on the full payment of the entry fee in the manner established by the executive committee.
Article 24. Members can unsubscribe from the Association, but this will not relieve them of pending obligations with it. The executive committee shall be able to expel members who fail to fulfil their obligations. Before the expulsion, the executive committee will open a case against the sanctioned member and conduct a hearing. The resolution of the executive committee can be appealed at the following general assembly meeting.
Article 25. The members of the Association have the following rights: a) to participate in the activities promoted by the Association and the social events organized for all of the members; (b) to enjoy all the advantages and benefits the Association can gain; c) to participate in meetings with a voice and a vote; d) to be electors and candidates for positions on the executive committee; e) to receive information about the agreements adopted by the governing body of the Association and f) to make suggestions to the members of the executive committeeto help the Association fulfil its objectives.
Article 26. All the members will have the following obligations: (a) to abide by the present statutes and the resolutions validly adopted by the general assembly and the executive committee; (b) to pay the entry fees and dues agreed upon by the executive committee.
Article 27. Members may be sanctioned by the executive committee for violation of these bylaws or the resolutions of the general assembly or the executive committee. Sanctions may range from a one-month suspension of rights to suspension of membership, in accordance with the terms specified in Article #24.
Article 29. The financial resources for the development of Association activities will be: (a) membership fees, paid either upon joining the Association or periodically; (b) returns from its own investments and corresponding economic rights; c) grants, bequests and legally received donations; and d) income earned through activities that the executive committee agrees to conduct within the purposes of the Association.
Article 30. In case of dissolution, the net equity of the Association, upon repayment of debts, will be donated to a non-profit, non-governmental organisation. The extraordinary general assembly, having agreed upon the dissolution, shall appoint a commission for the liquidation of the entity. ADDITIONAL PROVISION: In all matters not provided for in these bylaws, Organic Law 1/2002 of 22 March, which regulates the right of association, and the supplementary provisions shall apply. TRANSITORY PROVISION: The executive committee named in the founding act of the Association will have an initial mandate of two years, and this mandate shall be renewed according to the terms set out in Articles # 6 and # 7 of the present statutes.
In Alicante, 25July 2005